Friday, June 19, 2009

HBS Wharton and Stanford Published 2009-2010 Applications

Harvard Business School, Wharton, Stanford, MIT Sloan, Northwestern Kellogg, and Chicago Booth published their application deadlines. As expected Round 1 will be in October 2009, Round 2 in January 2010, and Round 3 in March 2010.
Full MBA Admissions Calendar

The top US business schools have also published their 2009-2010 essays. Wharton and MIT Sloan changed some of the essays significantly. Other business schools had minor changes in some of the essays. Recommendation questions had not changed at all in most of the schools.
Full List of MBA Essays and Recommendation Questions

I will keep updating on a weekly bases.

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1 comment:

阿倫 Allen said...


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Best Regards,
